IRRAflow: Needed innovation for neurocritical care


Every two seconds, someone on earth will have a stroke. Every 10 seconds, stroke claims a life. With little respect for age, as a third of strokes occur in people below the age of 65, their aftermath can leave behind a path of devastation—for both the patient and their families. To tackle this, the world’s first irrigating ventricular drainage system, IRRAflow, brings intelligence to intracranial fluid management.

In this educational supplement, NeuroNews speaks to Sumeet Vadera (Irvine, USA), Behnam Rezai Jahromi (Helsinki, Finland) and Gregory Fautheree (Baton Rouge, USA) who each describe their clinical experience using the IRRAflow device for the treatment of chronic subdural haematomas, ventriculitis, and intraventricular haemorrhage, respectively.

In light of the acquisition of the Hummingbird product by IRRAS, Andrew Carlson (Albuquerque, USA) also discusses his thoughts on the importance of multimodal monitoring, and outlines how Hummingbird addressed the current shortcomings of existing technology.


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