Observational study addresses ‘ongoing debate’ around intervention in asymptomatic carotid patients

Alessandro Gregio

Alessandro Gregio (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy) recently presented midterm results from the Carotid asymptomatic stenosis observational study during the first of two Society of Vascular Surgery-Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society (SVS-VESS) scientific sessions on the opening day of the 2023 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM; 14–17 June, National Harbor, USA).

“Whether to intervene or to follow [asymptomatic] patients with best medical therapy is an ongoing matter of debate,” said Gregio, noting that he and his colleagues performed a prospective observational cohort study to add data to the discussion. Out of 366 patients enrolled in the study, 306 completed follow-up.

Gregio, who was presenting the study results on behalf of senior author Mauro Gargiulo (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy) and colleagues, concluded that the 48-month risk of ipsilateral transient ischaemic attack or stroke was 6% in a real-world scenario.

He added that adherence to best medical therapy is high in this population, and also that plaque progression and contralateral stenosis are risk factors for neurological events during follow-up.

The researchers will follow patients out to five years, the presenter noted during his presentation at VAM 2023.


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