Patient selection may explain ‘counterintuitive’ relationship between carotid stenting volume and...

High stroke and death rates relating to carotid stenting in the Pacific Northwest of the USA may be driven by the selection of high-risk...

Observational study addresses ‘ongoing debate’ around intervention in asymptomatic carotid patients

Alessandro Gregio (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy) recently presented midterm results from the Carotid asymptomatic stenosis observational study during the first of two Society...

Increased market competition linked to higher odds of revascularisation among asymptomatic...

A vascular surgery research team with a growing reputation for its work investigating appropriateness in care in the peripheral vascular bed recently uncovered an...

Study detects no difference in adverse outcomes from balloon dilatation strategy...

Avoiding a strategy of post-stent balloon dilation during transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR) may be unnecessary—a “contradistinction” to results shown in conventional transfemoral carotid artery...