Tag: training

Advancing neurosurgery inside and outside the operating room

Brian Nahed (Boston, USA) outlines the latest advances in neurosurgery, and why it is important for those working in the field to keep up...

ChatGPT outperforms medical students and matches residents on neurosurgical board-style questions

An analysis published in the Journal of Neurosurgery, which assessed ChatGPT’s (OpenAI) performance on a surrogate for neurosurgical board-style questions, has found that the...

Artificial intelligence tutoring outperforms expert instructors in neurosurgical training

Against the backdrop of remote learning technologies becoming increasingly important within medical training during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study has found that—in a...

Biomodex launches synthetic clot product for neurovascular training

Biomodex, a company specialising in biorealistic haptic simulators for physician training and rehearsals, has announced the launch of Thrombotech—a new, hydrogel-based synthetic clot product...