Spryte Medical has announced the publication of a first-in-human study of its neuro optical coherence tomography (nOCT) technology in the peer-reviewed journal Science Translational Medicine, in a paper entitled, “Volumetric microscopy of cerebral arteries with a miniaturised optical coherence tomography imaging probe”.
This study—hailed as a “significant milestone” by researchers—is the first to demonstrate the ability to bring intravascular imaging to the brain, helping clinicians to better see the pathology associated with neurovascular disease. In a recent press release, Spryte claims that the study has potential future implications for the treatment of stroke and related conditions.
“This is an incredibly exciting milestone for the field of neurointervention,” said Matthew Gounis (UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, USA). “Direct imaging of the pathology and its relationship to devices will transform treatment decisions, and the fundamental understanding of cerebrovascular pathology. Revolutions in imaging technology—from the discovery of X-rays over 120 years ago to three-dimensional imaging in the angiography suite more than 20 years ago—occur roughly once in a generation.”
The procedures, performed by Vitor Mendes Pereira (St Michael’s Hospital/University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada) and Pedro Lylyk (Clínica la Sagrada Familia, Buenos Aires, Argentina), demonstrated successful navigation and imaging with the nOCT probe in 32 patients undergoing routine investigation or treatment for cerebrovascular disease. All patients were treated with appropriate ethical approval.
Spryte also notes that the device in question is not approved for human use nor commercially available in the USA.
“The Spryte nOCT technology is an imaging probe, sized like a guidewire, that navigates seamlessly through the brain vessels using our usual neurointerventional techniques,” Pereira explained. “The system and imaging probes performed well, integrating with our workflow, and provided us with incredible images and critical information that we cannot obtain with any other technology.”
According to Spryte’s recent release, the paper underscores the significant scientific achievement made by the company in miniaturising OCT technology to safely navigate the blood vessels of the brain while providing a high-resolution, micron-level image. The goal here is to allow physicians an improved understanding of anatomy, pathology and device implants, better informing therapeutic decision-making. The implications of this technology in improving the treatment of patients suffering neurovascular disease are only starting to surface, the release adds.
“This study provides proof of concept for using optical coherence tomography devices to better understand cerebrovascular pathology and intervention for a range of conditions in the human brain,” said Brandon Berry, editor from Science Translational Medicine.