Israel Brain Technologies announces Israel’s first international brain technology conference


Israel Brain Technologies has announced the launch of BrainTech Israel 2013, Israel’s first International Brain Technology Conference, which will take place 14–15 October in Tel Aviv, Israel.

BrainTech Israel 2013 is expected to showcase the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience and brain technology and the subsequent revolution in diagnosis and treatment of brain-related diseases, gaming, computing and other fields. Neurotech is aimed towards healthcare issues such as depression and Alzheimer’s through Brain Machine Interfaces and Brain-like Computing.

According to a press release, BrainTech Israel 2013 is expected to play host to neuroscientists, entrepreneurs, investors, start-ups, and multinational corporations to explore new brain technologies from Israel and around the world. The conference will also feature, according to Israel Brain Technologies a matchmaking event that will help generate neurotech ideas and solutions through multidisciplinary collaboration.

Israel Brain Technologies US$1 million Global B.R.A.I.N. (Breakthrough research and innovation in neurotechnology) prize competition—an international R&D award for breakthroughs in the field of brain technology—is also expected take centre stage at the event, with presentations by finalists and selection of the winner by an international judging committee of neuroscience and technology leaders, including Nobel Laureates Eric Kandel, Daniel Kahneman and Bert Sakmann.

Israel Brain Technologies is an organisation from the president of Israel, Shimon Peres. According to the release, following his visit in March 2013 to Israel and meeting with President Peres, US President Barack Obama recently launched his own US$100m BRAIN initiative. This landmark proposal along with the EU’s €1b Human Brain Project drawn attention to the potential for brain research.

The BrainTech Israel 2013 steering committee is composed of executives from multinational corporations (ie. Intel), venture capitalists and investors, Israeli brain scientists, the BIRD (Israel-US binational industrial research and development) Foundation, Israel’s Office of the Chief Scientist and Israel Brain Technology leadership.