debuts AI-powered cerebral aneurysm detection technology at SVIN 2021

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Viz platform

At this year’s Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology annual meeting (SVIN 2021; 17–20 November, Phoenix, USA and virtual), introduced Viz ANX, a new technology that it claims is the first and only artificial intelligence (AI)-powered suspected cerebral aneurysm detection and care coordination platform.

Viz ANX is designed to help ensure every patient who presents with a cerebral aneurysm is quickly identified and receives the correct follow-up, helping prevent a devastating rupture or haemorrhage, according to a press release.

Viz ANX uses AI to detect and alert the appropriate care providers of newly detected aneurysms on computed tomography angiography (CTA) scans. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510k-pending algorithm will be the first AI software to automatically detect suspected aneurysms, the release adds. The solution ensures that these aneurysms are captured in an easily accessible and reviewable list, and enables one-click referrals to a clinic for follow up, saving valuable time and resources for physicians as well as helping ensure patients receive proper treatment.

“We know that the Viz platform is widely successful at leveraging AI to help improve workflows and improve patient outcomes in stroke,” said Ameer Hassan, head of neuroscience at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen, USA and president-elect of SVIN. “But, stroke is just a proof point for how AI can transform patient care and clinical research. By applying the same technology to indications such as aneurysm, I believe we will see further areas of healthcare transformed for better outcomes.”

At SVIN 2021, also introduced Viz SDH, which is a research-only algorithm that detects suspected subdural haematoma (SDH). This algorithm is supporting the EMBOLISE trial—the purpose of which is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of embolisation of the middle meningeal artery (MMA) using the Onyx liquid embolic system (LES; Medtronic) in treating symptomatic subacute or chronic subdural haematoma.

The SDH algorithm, which includes volumetric segmentation and measurement of the maximum thickness of the bleed, detects suspected SDH to alert clinicians to potentially eligible study candidates.

“The introduction of Viz ANX and Viz SDH are part of our ongoing commitment to improve patient outcomes across healthcare,” said co-founder and CEO Chris Mansi. “The value of AI-powered care coordination can help improve workflows, expedite treatment and, ultimately, save lives across so many emergent and less-time sensitive—but equally important—disciplines.”

In addition to showcasing these new technologies alongside the rest of the Viz Intelligent Care Coordination Platform at SVIN 2021, is also hosting a symposium entitled: “The impact of artificial intelligence on vascular interventional neurology. Today into the future”. This will feature Hassan and Raul Nogueira, director of neuroendovascular service and neurocritical care service at Grady Memorial Hospital’s Marcus Stroke & Neuroscience Center in Atlanta, USA.


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