US patent office rejects Axonics’ latest challenge to Medtronic patents


Medtronic has announced that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) of the US Patent and Trademark Office has affirmed the validity of claims in two of its patents in an ongoing patent infringement lawsuit filed by Medtronic against Axonics over sacral neuromodulation (SNM) technologies.

Cumulatively, the PTAB has now upheld the validity of five of the Medtronic patents at issue in this lawsuit, as stated in a recent press release from the company.

The release further details that Medtronic will now ask the federal court in the Central District of California—where Medtronic’s patent infringement lawsuit is pending—to lift its stay on the lawsuit and proceed to trial on the five valid and affirmed patents so Medtronic can present its case in front of a jury.

“It’s now past time for Axonics to stand up in a court of law, and take responsibility for its unauthorised use and infringement of Medtronic’s intellectual property,” said Mira Sahney, president of the pelvic health business in the neuroscience portfolio at Medtronic. “We respect the intellectual property of innovators, and our patent system exists to benefit society by encouraging the kind of innovation that Medtronic invests in. We are pleased with the PTAB’s decision, and we are confident that the evidence at trial will show that Axonics improperly used and profited from Medtronic’s patented technology.”

Recently, Medtronic also filed a complaint with the US International Trade Commission (ITC) along with a parallel action in the US District Court for the District of Delaware to block Axonics from improperly importing and selling products that allegedly infringe two additional Medtronic patents related to the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) compatibility of implantable medical devices.


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