Tag: study

fred flow diverter

FRED flow diverter safe and effective in treatment of “appropriately selected”...

The Flow Redirection Endoluminal Device stent system (FRED; MicroVention)—a flow diverter used to treat intracranial aneurysms—has been deemed safe and effective for this indication,...

Deep brain stimulation found to yield “robust but limited” clinical benefits...

A recent study evaluating the efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in patients with disorders of consciousness reported that robust but limited clinical benefits—predominantly...

“Aspiration first” approach with Penumbra system demonstrates favourable outcomes for acute...

Penumbra announced results of the company-sponsored PROMISE study, demonstrating real-world safety and efficacy of the Penumbra system with ACE 68 and ACE64 reperfusion catheters...