Tag: carotid artery stenosis
ROADSTER 3 provides key evidence that ‘goes beyond registry data’ on...
Thirty-day results from the ROADSTER 3 study have demonstrated that transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR) is a safe and effective approach in patients who are...
CEA versus TCAR: surgeons should be familiar with both procedures and...
When it comes to the ongoing debate of carotid endarterectomy (CEA) versus transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR) in the treatment of carotid artery stenosis, operators...
LINC 2024: C-GUARDIANS data represent lowest event rates in published trials...
New data from the C-GUARDIANS pivotal investigational device exemption (IDE) trial support consideration of carotid artery stenting (CAS) with the CGuard embolic prevention stent...
First European PERFORMANCE II release highlights durability of carotid stenting in...
The recent, first-time European presentation of the PERFORMANCE II trial’s findings—delivered by Ralf Langhoff (Sankt Gertrauden-Krankenhaus, Berlin, Germany) at the 2024 Charing Cross (CX)...
New data underscore physician experience levels required to derive benefit from...
Data from a new study that maps out the levels at which adverse postoperative events decrease following transfemoral carotid artery stenting (TfCAS) based on...
ISC 2024 examines TCAR ‘explosion’ alongside advances in intensive medical therapy
This year’s International Stroke Conference (ISC; 7–9 February, Phoenix, USA) hosted discussions on the current state of play in carotid stenosis treatment—and, most notably,...
CX 2024: New technologies and “special cases” underpin carotid and acute...
With a renewed focus on challenging cases, novel technologies and, overall, the most pressing issues in carotid treatments and acute stroke care, the 2024...
Contego announces enrolment of first patient in PERFORMANCE III trial
Contego Medical has announced enrolment of the first patient in the prospective, multicentre PERFORMANCE III trial aimed at further evaluating the safety and effectiveness...
Young endarterectomy patients more likely to experience restenosis and late neurological...
Data from the US Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI) have indicated that younger patients (aged ≤55 years) who undergo a carotid endarterectomy (CEA) procedure face an...
Safety benefits mean TCAR may be preferable approach in radiation-induced carotid...
A study presented recently at the Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM; 14–17 June, National Harbor, USA) has found that the long-term outcomes of transcarotid artery...
Interim data find “no evidence of benefit” for carotid revascularisation additional...
Interim results from the ECST-2 randomised controlled trial (RCT) have shown no evidence that carotid stenosis patients with a low-to-intermediate stroke risk, treated with...
Medical therapy improvements mean “the time has come” to reconduct prior...
“The time has definitely come to look at the evidence, and redo these studies,” posited Alun Davies (Imperial College London, London, UK), putting forward...
Analysis finds no difference in TCAR outcomes between academic and community...
A new study found no difference in perioperative outcomes and incidence of adverse events at follow-up after transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR) between academic and...
Equivalency to clinical practice “varies considerably” across recent carotid intervention trials
The external validity—in other words, the transferability to real-world clinical practice—of contemporary randomised controlled trials (RCTs) investigating carotid artery stenosis interventions “varies considerably”, as...
Sex found to be “important variable” in study and treatment of...
A systematic review and meta-analysis have demonstrated “convincing evidence” that sex differences exist in carotid atherosclerosis, with all types of plaque features—including those relating...
AI demonstrates potential to detect carotid artery disease on duplex ultrasound
A prospective study has demonstrated the potential feasibility, applicability and accuracy held by artificial intelligence (AI) in the detection of carotid artery disease on...
Randomised trial finds carotid endarterectomy or stenting not superior to best...
Five-year outcomes of a multicentre, randomised controlled trial (RCT) indicate that carotid endarterectomy (CEA) or carotid artery stenting (CAS) are not superior to best...
Early TCAR results in higher ipsilateral postoperative stroke rates when compared...
Adham Elmously (New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, USA) presented outcomes of early transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR) versus carotid endarterectomy (CEA) after acute neurologic...
Carotid stenting demonstrates comparable short- and long-term results to endarterectomy
Pooled patient-level data from more than 2,500 asymptomatic, non-octogenarian subjects have shown that carotid artery stenting (CAS) achieved comparable short- and long-term results to...
Charing Cross audience as-yet unconvinced by data supporting transcarotid artery revascularisation
Audience polling during the Acute Stroke Challenges session at this year’s Charing Cross Symposium (CX 2022; 26–28 April, London, UK and virtual) revealed scepticism...
Carotid stenosis in women: Should the approach differ?
The existing evidence on whether women with carotid stenosis experience inferior treatment outcomes compared to men is mixed—and this uncertainty is reflected in the...
New ESVS carotid guidelines: Key questions answered
Clark Zeebregts (University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands) and Kosmas Paraskevas (Central Clinic of Athens, Athens, Greece) answer some key questions about the...
Study highlights need to extend scope of cerebrovascular health disparities research
A new research letter in Stroke outlines use of the novel National Institutes of Health (NIH) ‘All of Us’ research programme dataset of diverse...
SedLine-guided general anaesthesia may reduce post-carotid endarterectomy delirium
Masimo has announced the findings of a prospective study published in Frontiers in Neurology in which Na Xu and colleagues at Capital Medical University in Beijing,...
TCAR may be associated with favourable outcomes for treatment of restenotic...
Transcarotid artery revascularisation (TCAR; Silk Road Medical) may be associated with favourable in-hospital outcomes for the treatment of restenotic carotid lesions after carotid endarterectomy...
Five-year ACST-2 results: Carotid artery surgery and stenting have similar long-term...
Carotid artery surgery and stenting have comparable long-term effects on fatal or disabling stroke in asymptomatic patients with severe carotid artery stenosis. That is...
Treatment of asymptomatic carotid bifurcation occlusive disease and potential role of...
Peter A Schneider (San Francisco, USA) discusses the role stenting can play, alongside the existing best medical therapy, in treating asymptomatic carotid disease patients.
USPSTF recommends against general screening for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis
In a recommendation statement published on 2 February in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)...