Tag: brain AVMs

ARISE I recommends multidisciplinary approach to managing brain aneurysms, chronic SDHs...

Three papers published in the journal Stroke have highlighted multidisciplinary care and global, collaborative efforts as “paramount” in the management of intracranial aneurysms, chronic...

Embolisation holds “very important, complementary” place in future of AVM treatment

After providing NeuroNews with an overview of the recent history of arteriovenous malformation (AVM) treatment in a previous video interview, Christophe Cognard (Toulouse University...

Growing evidence on AVM interventions contrasts with “horrible” ARUBA data

Recently, NeuroNews caught up with Christophe Cognard (Toulouse University Hospital, Toulouse, France) to discuss the current landscape of arteriovenous malformation (AVM) care. Cognard outlines...

New AVM intervention findings “refute” ARUBA complication rates and may elicit...

New data from an analysis of patients who would have been eligible for the ARUBA trial—which previously indicated medical management is likely favourable over...

New study finds surgical approaches safe and effective in ARUBA-eligible unruptured...

Contrary to the results of a seminal study in the field, a recent analysis presented at the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS) annual meeting...

Less invasive ‘liquid biopsy’ holds potential to identify genetic mutations in...

A study presented yesterday at the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS) annual meeting (31 July–4 August, San Diego, USA) indicates that it may be...

Chinese MATCH study finds microsurgery is “dominant” brain AVM treatment

Researchers have explored the therapeutic outcomes of patients with brain arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in mainland China and produced early findings indicating that microsurgery is...

Rebus Esper platform leveraged to create “cell atlas” of brain vasculature...

Rebus Biosystems, an Illumina Ventures-backed life science technology firm, has announced the publication of a study in Science highlighting its Rebus Esper platform’s ability to spatially...

FDA clears two spine and brain radiosurgery software applications

Brainlab has received FDA clearance for Elements Spine SRS and Elements Cranial SRS, two software applications that aid in the patient-tailored planning of radiosurgery treatments for indications of...

The top ten takeaways from the AHA/ASA statement on brain AVMs

In August, the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) released an update on brain arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in the form of a new scientific...