SPR Therapeutics announces multiple first-time data presentations set for NANS 2024


SPR Therapeutics has announced that it is set to be featured prominently at the upcoming North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) annual meeting (18–21 January, Las Vegas, USA). A total of 11 abstracts highlighting applications of the SPRINT peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) system will be featured at this year’s meeting—including four posters “never before presented to the industry”.

Oral and poster presentations include reviews of data on numerous regions of pain where SPRINT PNS has been widely used with demonstrated efficacy to reduce pain, including the low back, knee, shoulder, and groin, along with evaluation of outcomes in specific patient populations, including a Medicare-eligible cohort. That is according to an SPR Therapeutics press release.

“There continues to be significant interest from physicians in evaluating SPRINT PNS for treating various types of pain, and the results seen both in clinical trials and in real-world evidence provide hope for patients,” said Maria Bennett, president, chief executive officer and founder of SPR Therapeutics. “We are encouraged by the clinically meaningful outcomes and believe that SPRINT PNS can be the first-line treatment for many patients given its short-term treatment duration with demonstrated potential to provide long-lasting pain relief.”

As per the recent SPR Therapeutics release, the continuing adoption of SPRINT PNS and ongoing efforts of the company to retrospectively review real-world patient outcomes have generated significant data, allowing physicians the opportunity to review how they may be able to apply the 60-day treatment to patient pain throughout the body, and potentially consider SPRINT treatment earlier in the care continuum based on consistent outcomes in clinical trials and real-world patient treatment.

Data being featured by the company for the first time at NANS 2024 include:

  • Cost benefits of Medicare patients receiving 60-day PNS treatment prior to other forms of permanent PNS
  • Cost savings associated with 60-day PNS in the treatment of chronic low back pain
  • A single-centre, retrospective chart review of 60-day PNS used for shoulder pain
  • Sustained relief of complex regional pain syndrome following 60-day PNS: review of three cases.

A full list of the posters featuring SPRINT PNS and when they will be available can be seen here.


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