Boston Scientific to present new data on advances in chronic pain care at 2022 NANS meeting


Boston Scientific has announced key data that will be featured at the 25th North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) annual meeting (13–15 January 2022; Orlando, USA). More than 20 abstracts have been accepted, including three late-breaking presentations, according to a press release from the company.

A late-breaking presentation on the COMBO study, a randomised controlled trial, will highlight two-year outcomes demonstrating the durable effectiveness of the WaveWriter spinal cord stimulator (SCS) system in delivering combination therapy—the ability to layer multiple waveforms and modalities simultaneously. Combination therapy is designed to offer more opportunities to customise SCS therapy and optimise outcomes, the release adds.

In addition, Boston Scientific and IBM Research will provide an update from their exclusive collaboration, which includes the ongoing NAVITAS and ENVISION studies evaluating how patient-reported outcomes and objective biomarker information can provide insights around patient pain states. Boston Scientific claims this novel approach leverages artificial intelligence to better understand and assess the pain state of an individual that includes activity, alertness, medication, mobility, mood, pain and sleep.

“The data we will share this year at NANS is a testament to the breadth and depth of the randomised controlled and real-world evidence of our portfolio and therapies,” said Nilesh Kumar Patel, vice president of medical affairs, Neuromodulation, Boston Scientific. “Our long-term investments in science and innovation continue to deliver more meaningful solutions and customised options for physicians and their patients living with chronic pain.”

Oral presentations from Boston Scientific at NANS 2022:

  • COMBO Randomised Controlled Trial: Two-Year Outcomes of an SCS System Capable of Simultaneous Delivery of Multiple Modalities—to be presented by Mark Wallace (San Diego, USA) on 15 January.
  • Patient States: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Metric Providing Comprehensive Yet Straightforward Understanding of Chronic Pain Patients—to be presented by Magdalena Anitescu (Chicago, USA) on 14 January.
  • Prospective, Multi-Centre Evaluation of Novel Fast-Acting Sub-Perception-Based SCS for Chronic Pain: FAST Study—to be presented by Magdalena Anitescu on 15 January.


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